Little men, Christopher Boffoli Development

For this shoot I was on location, I was experimenting with my little men and putting them in different places. I used random objects I found on the way, I thought using the leaves as props worked well as it really shows the scale of the little people, how tiny they really are. I was trying to create a scene with all the little men, I wanted to create a narrative within my images. Each figure played a different part in my images, for example by using the police officers I created tension in my photographs.

For this image i have composed my little man on top of a coke can. I specifically chose this model due to his symmetrical pose, as he looks like he is going to dive into the coke can. My aim behind this series of images was to take everyday objects and invert their meaning. In this instance the coke can has become a swimming pool.

For this shoot I was trying to place my little men in different situations around the house. In this image the men are standing on top of a bauble on the Christmas tree. It was quite dark so I used the flash which created the light on the bauble, instead I should have used a slow shutter speed. For my next shoot I will use a slow shutter speed so I won't have to worry about lighting.

Slow shutter speed

For this development idea I did several shoots with my little men on and around different food/items at home. The apple shoot was quite difficult as the lighting wasn't the best and it took quite a while to set up. I used a slow shutter speed and a tripod. My aim was to make the little man look he is controlling what the girls eat.

For this shoot I used a cup and saucer with some milk in it. Again I used a slow shutter speed and my tripod.

For this shoot I set up various food items that you would normally have for breakfast. I then placed my little men all over them, on the juice, in the cereal, on the eggs. I used a slow shutter speed for this shoot.

I am going to reshoot my breakfast photos but with a bright coloured background, like Boffoli's. The current background in these photo's is quite dull so I will experiment with different coloured backgrounds to see if they will improve my photographs.

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