
Adam Burton 

Adam has been working as a professional landscape photographer since 2008, he started teaching himself photography in 2001 and has never received photographic training. His images have been published regularly in national newspapers, magazines, books, greeting cards and calendars since 2004. 


Woodland falls
The white house


Woodland light

Morchard Mists


Above Boscastle
This photo has been taken from a high level, you can see directly down at an angle on the left to a harbour where boats are moored, to the right there is an open sea, directly ahead is the rugged mountainous terrain. In this image Burton has used an extended depth of field keeping items both close in the foreground and far away in the background in focus rather than just focussing on one particular point of interest. There is a contrast between the textures in the image, we can see the shap jagged rocks in the foreground near the camera, yet further away in the distance we can also observe the soft clouds. Burton has used the time of day to his advantage when taking this shot, a late afternoon as the sun is setting basks the image in pale orange light, illuminating the clouds without overpowering the details of the environment.

David Taylor 

Taylor took his first picture when he was 14 and has been taking pictures since. His work  has appeared in national and regional magazines, they have been used by local businesses, councils and tourism organisations. 

Broken wall                                                                                                           






This photograph is taken in a bay filled with pebbles and stones poking out of the water in the foreground, the lighting is soft yet illuminates the cliff and small structure perched on it in the background. The image is taken from a low down perspective, close to the pebbles making them seem larger and more important than the hill in the background. The setting appears peaceful with the Blue water easing its way throughout, people who see it will probably long to be there, the photographer wanted to capture the beauty and tranquility yof the scene and has managed to.

Dunstanburgh Dawn

Cheviot Layers

Colby Brown



 Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming - 2009

Torres del Paine NP, Chile - Patagonia


Semuc Champey, Guatemala - 2010

This landscape seem quite powerful due to how desolate it seems, we are surrounded by rough and jagged mountains with very little else visible. Browns use of a large depth of field brings all of what we can see in focus emphasising the hostility of the surroundings. Although the image is rather light, it isn't particularly inviting, the only splash of colour we see aside from the pale sky is the sun catching on the tip of one of the mountains illuminating it in orange, it is particularly vivid, he may have enhanced in for greater effect

Titcomb Basin - Wyoming - 2009

My own photos

For these images I experimented with settings and different angles.

These two images are similar but with slight variation so I got two different results. The top photo has the long grass in the foreground which changed the focus. In the second photo, the focus is on the reflection of the trees in the water. The second image looks more like a painting compared to the top image.

In this photo I focused on the detail of the log, I got really close to it and zoomed in. I thought I could use photoshop to put someones eye inside it, to go with the theme weird and wonderful.

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